Friday, May 8, 2009


Today is Daniel's 2 year diaversary. Last year we lit a candle and said a prayer, and I will do something similar today, probably on my own. Daniel doesn't really note this anniversary, and that's fine. However, I can't let the day go by without doing something.

I hugged him this morning as he was getting ready for school, and said, "Happy (ha ha) diaversary," and he said, "Oh, is it? What day is it?" So I reminded him. And then I congratulated him on managing very well for two years with diabetes.

"Two years? No, just one!" he said. Then he remembered he was 14 when he was diagnosed. "Oh yeah, two years. Wow. Okay, bye!"

And that was it.


meanderings said...

I like that you complimented him for his 2 years of good care. What a great idea.

Naomi said...

And I'm looking forward to complimenting him on 50 years... :)