Sunday, March 8, 2009

No Bugs

It's one of those wonderful days. Mother Nature turned up the heat, so it's in the 70's with a gentle breeze, party cloudy, and the bugs haven't woken up yet from their winter nap. I spent a couple of hours doing yard cleanup, taking advantage of the weather and saying hi to my neighbors who are all emerging from their houses with their dogs, their kids in strollers, their frisbees and balls. This weather makes everyone smile.

I chopped down some of the dead, tall decorative grasses in front of my house. Underneath there were daffodils, half bloomed. They have another couple of days of balmy weather before March decides to cool off again. But if the daffodils are here, then spring is not far behind!


meanderings said...

Enjoy your daffodils and know that I'm envious, sigh...

Jillian said...

And now it's starting to get chilly again, but it really is great to see the tiny signs of spring.

Naomi said...

I hope that the weather is chilly enough to keep the daffodils from wilting, but not so cold that it freezes them! They are so lovely.