Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting Needled - AND - The RAINaissance Festival

Morning, Part I:

I forgot to pick up Daniel's pen needle prescription yesterday afternoon and we're getting precariously low. I ran into CVS this morning first thing and asked for the prescription. The lady says, "do you have a new insurance card?" Oh, yes... and then I remembered I had just grabbed my money & driver's license. NOT ON ME! Damn! She says, "that will be $78." I told her I'd be right back. Luckily the CVS is very close.

I grabbed the card, headed back, and started the process all over again. The lady goes to her computer and types in the info. Types. Types. Shakes her head. Types. I see the same screen popping up over and over. Finally she comes to me and tells me that the pen needles are not covered.

WTF??? That's impossible? I told her to hang on, I'll try calling the insurance co. I call the # on the back of the card and got someone who was not too helpful. She said she saw the BD ultra fine needles, but not the BD ultra fine mini needles as being covered. I told her that was ridiculous. Who else can I talk to? She said I could call my benefits people. Funny, I thought I did call them, but then realized I should have called the # on the FRONT of the card. So I do, and I get customer service, and she says that all disposable items like that are covered. I told her that the CVS people can't get the computer to say that, is there a code? So the very nice lady calls a different department, the people who deal with the disposable stuff, and talks to someone who offers to call the CVS, speak with the pharmacist, and get it all straightened out.

I passed that info to the pharmacist, and waited another few minutes for the call to come through. When it did, there still seemed to be some confusion going on at the computer, but suddenly the pharmacist smiled and said, "Thanks!" to the very nice man named "Les" on the phone. She bagged up the needles and handed me the bag. They were FREE. Free!

Morning, part II:

The things we do for our kids.

Last year we went to the Renaissance Festival for the first time. We took Nora for her birthday, and she loved it. It was a boiling hot day and I could not imagine attending in costume -- long cloaks, long dresses, wigs for God's sake, hats, etc. etc. Too hot. Too heavy. The sword would get in the way & thwack my legs as I walked. Plus I don't think it is physically possible for my breasts to be pumped up and put on display in the various and interesting ways I witnessed that day. People watching was fun for all! With all the walking, the various games, and the intense humidity, we spent lots of money on cold drinks that day.

Fast forward to today, the day we planned to go again, the only day we COULD go for weeks & weeks. All other weekends have stuff going on pretty much through the end of October! Of course it rained. I knew it was going to rain. I popped a couple of umbrellas in the car, grabbed a baseball cap, and we set off. Minus my husband, of course, who told me at the last minute (actually, Nora called to tell me while I was at CVS dealing with the needle thing) that he had too much work to do to go. GRRRRR. Fine.

Rain? Did I say rain? Deluge. Buckets. Talk about experiencing life the way it used to be (before umbrellas). I didn't feel like carrying an umbrella, so I just wore my hat. Dominic opted for an umbrella. Nora wore her cloak (former Halloween costume piece) and hobbit ears. Daniel didn't want to carry an umbrella. Until after we walked into the place and the skies opened up. Then he didn't want to go back to the car. At one point we ducked into one of the clothing stores and I actually considered buying one of those ridiculously expensive cloaks. Might have, too, if they had considered putting in slits for the arms to go through.

We watched all the people dragging their glorious costumes through 4+ inches of mud. The rain would lighten up for a few minutes to a drizzle, enough to lure you out into the alleyways to find entertainment, and then the clouds would spew once again. It was crazy, but we had fun! Thank goodness I found one stall that sold hot herbal tea. AHHHHH. Nora's birthday present of choice this year was a large wooden sword. No, she's not a girly girl. Don't get on her bad side.

Family fun at its sloppiest. Who loves you, kids? Who? Your mommy! Show your appreciation! Get that woman some tea!

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